About Us

EXPLORER SHIPPING LTD. is a young and dynamic shipping company established in Istanbul by a team who have been in shipping business more than 20 years to provide ship brokering in drybulk market and serve agency service at Turkish ports & straits of Bosphorus and Dardanelles.

Being one of the leading and well-known ship agencies in Turkey, Explorer is able to complete all your tasks. 

Our target and strategy is to become a reliable and major company in the sea transportation industry,be innovative and ready to expand but without forgetting the ethical standards.

Our vision is to engage in management services and shipping in the international maritime sector, meeting international industry standards in both business management and life, property and environmental safety with high-quality.

Our mission is to grow continuously, effectively and productively in the maritime sector with our employees.

Explorer enjoys a good reputation and compatible working relations with port authorities, government authorities and shipping departments and is ready to take on the most complex tasks of our clients.